Club Happenings

Offering a variety of social events and activities

From clubs-within-a-club to formal events, dancing on Saturday nights, to enjoying a sunset cruise or attending a special event scheduled by the Club Manager, there is indeed something for everyone.

clubs-within-a-club includes Bridge groups that have been ongoing at the club since at least the early 1980s. Currently, bridge groups meet on Tuesday nights (during the season) and in the afternoons on Wednesday (Chicago Scoring), Thursday (Duplicate) and Friday (Chicago Scoring).

Mah Jongg
A Mah Jongg group meets on Wednesday & Thursday mornings.

Book Club
In April 2015, a VBYC Book Club was initiated.  The VBYC Bookies are a fast-growing club-within-a-club and meet on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 4 pm.  If you love to read and discuss what you have read with other members, please join us.

9 & Dine
A 9 & Dine Club also started in 2015.  Members play nine holes of golf on the first and third Fridays of the month. When finished hitting the little white ball they head back to the club to enjoy our special Friday Night Happy Hour and to discuss their hole in one or perhaps their water shot.  They may also decide to stay for dinner at the club.